



Pronunciation:za ruh

Variations:Zaara, Zahra, Zahraa and Zarah.

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About Zara

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Zara is a lovely and unique name that is not so popular that it is found everywhere. This is a great choice for parents looking for something a bit more quirky.

Detailed Meaning

This Arabic name means ‘flower’ and has become increasingly popular over recent years.

Famous People With This Name

Zara Phillips is the daughter of Princess Anne of the United Kingdom, Zara Cully was an American actress best known for her role in the television show, “The Jeffersons,” and Zara Davis is a British windsurfer.

Possible Nicknames

A cute nickname for Zara could be ZaZa or perhaps even RaRa/RahRah.

Related Names

Zara can also be spelt Zaara, Zahra, Zahraa and Zarah.

Stories Featuring This Name

Zara Charmichael is a character in the show “Doctors.” Zara Morgan is a character in the British soap opera, “Hollyoaks.” Zara is also the name of the popular high street clothing store.

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