A New Father’s Journey: Week 1

Hi, and welcome to the new and improved BabyNames.co.uk. My name is Ryan, and I have been asked to write a blog about my experiences as a new father, starting from conception, or thereabouts. I haven’t been asked because I am a writer or because I will be able to provide you with words of wisdom. To be truthful, it is probably for the complete opposite reasons.

I am a 28-year-old average Joe with a six-week-old daughter and this is all new territory to me, as I am sure it is for some of you. I am also a man, which I am sure makes me rather undesirable and unconventional to be commenting on pregnancy, but I think it is a perspective  often overlooked during what is mostly a woman’s journey. Yet, I got to see my fiancée, Ana, blossom from a voracious caterpillar, eating herself into a cocoon-like state only to emerge a radiant butterfly, strong and capable, holding our beautiful baby girl.

I will be covering all the topics and moments I found concerning, interesting, difficult and amazing. And there are a lot more amazing moments than people will lead you to believe. Amongst these topics will be Ana and my own personal ‘challenge’ of choosing a baby’s name, something that I imagine you must be dealing with yourself if you are visiting BabyNames.co.uk. Oh, and did I forgot to mention we actually discovered the name on this very site?

I look forward to sharing my story with you over the upcoming weeks.


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