About Bryony
Go back to names listThis would be a great name choice for any nature loving parents who want their little girl to have a plant-related name.
Detailed Meaning
This name of a Greek climbing plant has connotations of nature and life.
Famous People With This Name
Bryony Gordon is an English journalist. Bryony Shaw is an English Olympic windsurfer who won a bronze medal in the 2008 summer Olympics in Beijing. Bryony Afferson is an English actress and musican.
Possible Nicknames
A possible nickname for Bryony is Bri.
Related Names
Bryony can also be spelt: Brioni, Brionie, Briony, Bryoni and Bryonie.
Stories Featuring This Name
Bryony is the main character from R.J Anderson’s “Knife” book series. Bryony is a character in the animated film, “Arthur Christmas.”
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