

Meaning:Bright headed


Pronunciation:KEL lee

Variations:Kelli, Kellie

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About Kelly

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Kelly is a robust Gaelic name that sounds as punchy and strong. This name is perfect for any parents looking for a well-rounded girl’s name.

Detailed Meaning

Kelly is most commonly found as a girl’s name despite originating from the Irish male name Ceallach.

Famous People With This Name

Some famous bearers of the name include Kelly Brook, an English Model, Kelly Clarkson, an American singer known for winning the first season of “American Idol,” and Kelly Osbourne is an English fashion designer and daughter of Shannon and Ozzy Osbourne.

Possible Nicknames

Possible nicknames for Kelly are Kel, Kels, Kel-Kel, Kell and Kelbo.

Related Names

Some alternative spellings include Kelli, Kellie and even Kellee.

Stories Featuring This Name

Kelly Bundy is a character in “Married with Children,” Kelly Kapoor is a character on the US version of “The Office,” played by Mindy Kaling and Kelly Taylor is a character on “EastEnders.”

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