About Ruan
Go back to names listRuan is a rather rare name that is not usually found outside of Gaelic-speaking countries. However, this name would be perfect for any redheaded little boy and it would be very unique and special.
Detailed Meaning
Ruan comes from the Gaelic word for red, ‘ruadh.’ The other form, from the tree, comes from a Norse word for the European plant. This word refers to the red leaves and berries of the rowan tree.
Famous People With This Name
As this is a fairly rare name, there are not very many people who are famous who also have this name.
Possible Nicknames
A cute nickname for Ruan can be RuRu/RooRoo.
Related Names
Ruan can also be spelt Rooan and Ruwan.
Stories Featuring This Name
As this is a fairly rare name, we cannot track down any stories that feature this name, unfortunately.
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