

Meaning:christmas day


Pronunciation:no ell


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About Noel

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What could be more festive than a name that actually means Christmas? It is associated with the birth of Christ and is a perfect boy name for babies born in December.

Detailed Meaning

Noel is a unisex name that comes from a French word meaning ‘birthday’. The word now has associations with Christ’s birthday, Christmas Day. The spelling Noelle is favoured for girls.

Famous People With This Name

Noël Coward was a British actor and playwright, Noel Edmunds is a British television presenter and DJ, Noel Fielding is a British comedian and actor while Nodel Gallagher is the lead singer of the band Oasis.

Possible Nicknames

One possible nickname for Noel could simply be No, although that might get confusing. Perhaps No-No for a more affectionate and silly nickname, but only use it with younger children.

Related Names

The name can sometimes be spelt Nowell, a practice usually found in Britain. Of course, the female version of this name is Noelle. The French spelling of the name is Noël

Stories Featuring This Name

Noël is the name of a French comic series by André Franquin. Noel is also the name of characters from three different anime series, and also a character from the video game Final Fantasy XIII-2

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