

Meaning:bearer of christ



Variations:Chriss, Kris

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About Chris

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Chris is a strong sounding name due to its one syllable nature. This would be a good choice for parents who want something that sounds crisp and sharp.

Detailed Meaning

Chris is a short form of Christopher, Christophe, Christine and other similar names, as well as being a male name in its own right.

Famous People With This Name

Chris Evans is an American actor best known for playing Captain America in the Marvel films. Chris Hemsworth is an Australian Actor who is most famous for playing Thor in the Marvel films. Chris Pratt is an American actor best known for his role in the sitcom “Parks and Rec” and “Guardians of the Galaxy.”

Possible Nicknames

It can be argued that Chris is already a nickname for Christopher. However, a nickname for Chris could be Chrissy.

Related Names

Chris can also be spelt Chriss and Kris. A related name is Christopher, Christophe and Christian.

Stories Featuring This Name

Chris Traeger is a character on the sitcom “Parks and Rec.” Chris Turk is a character on the American television show “Scrubs.” Chris Griffin is a character on the animated show, “Family Guy.”

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