

Meaning:little pearl


Pronunciation:meg uhn

Variations:-Coming Soon-

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About Megan

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Megan is perfect name for those parents looking for a popular Welsh name. This would be ideal for those parents who want to find a name that is just as precious as their little girl.

Detailed Meaning

Megan is a longer version of Meg, a pet name for Margaret. It is a very popular name in Britain, although Meghan is the more common spelling in America and Australia. The name itself means ‘little pearl.’

Famous People With This Name

Famous bearers of this name include: Megan Fox, an American model and actress, Megan Mckenna, a reality star currently appearing in TOWIE, and who has been on “Ex on the Beach” and “Celebrity Big Brother,” Meghan Trainor is an American singer, who rose to fame in 2014 with her son “All About That Bass.”

Possible Nicknames

Possible nicknames for Megan are Meg, Meggi, Meggie and Meggy.

Related Names

Alternative ways on spelling Megan are Meghan, Maegan, Maygan and Meagan. Of course, it is also related to Margaret, as Megan is a pet form of the more traditional name.

Stories Featuring This Name

Meggan is a superhero in the Marvel Comics universe, Megan ‘Meg’ Griffin is a fictional character from the animated television series, “Family Guy,” and British soap opera, Emmerdale, has a character on the show called Megan Macey (played by Gaynor Mellor).

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