ONS Releases Data About Birthdays

How popular is your birthday? The Office of National Statistics (ONS) released data on birthdays around England and Wales and created a helpful interactive graphic so you can find out how popular your birthday is!

According to the data, September 26 is the most popular birthday over the last 20 years, and 8 of the top 10 birthdays were towards the end of September. The other two were in early October.

The ONS attributes this to couples planning to have children around the start of the school year.

February 29 is understandably the least popular birthday, as it only occurs every 4 years (and we feel for those who can only celebrate their birthday every 4 years!) April 1 is also ranked very low (number 361) as parents seem to want to avoid April Fool’s Day as much as possible.

Another interesting tidbit is that a baby is born every 48 seconds on average over the last two decades – that’s a lot of babies!

Check out the ONS’ graphic below!