Short Baby Names Part 1

The theme of this baby name list is short and sweet! Sometimes all you want is a bit of simplicity and these names will definitely fit the bill. These work especially well if you have a long last name and you don’t want to make your baby’s full name overly complicated.


Ada is sometimes used as a pet form of Adele, but is also a name in its own right.


Ben can be short for Benjamin, Benedict or Bennett as well as being a rst name in its own right.


Dan is the shortened version of Daniel, a common name in the English-speaking world. Daniel was mentioned often in the Bible and is of Hebrew origin.


Shortened form of Elijah, a Hebrew prophet who ascended into heaven in a blazing chariot.


The name Ivy is taken from the evergreen plant. Ivy is believed to represent eternity and delity so the name can carry these meanings.


The name Joy comes from the word meaning ‘extreme happiness.’ It may also be considered a pet form of Joyce.


Lex is a shortened form of the Greek name Alexander, meaning ‘defender of man’. It is a common boy’s name in the Netherlands. Lex Luthor is the ctional nemesis of Superman.


Max is a short form of Maximillian and to a lesser extent Maxwell, but it is now often found as a name in its own right.


Short form of Samuel, and less frequently Samson. Sam is also short for the girl’s name Samantha, and for Arabic names Samir and Samira.


Zoe is a Greek name that was extremely popular during the classical period of Rome. It means ‘life.’