




Variations:Ava, Aiva, Ayva

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About Avah

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Avah (and its more traditional spelling, Ava) is a very classic name, evoking images of the 19th century glamour. It is perfect for parents looking for something elegant and lovely.

Detailed Meaning

Avah is a variation of the name Ava. It may be German, Hebrew or Latin in origin. It has similarities to the Latin word for bird, ‘avis.’ Also a variant of the popular name Eva.

Famous People With This Name

Ava Gardener was a famous American actress known for her work in classic Hollywood, Ava Astor was an American socialite and member of the prominent Astor family, and Ava Leigh is a British reggae singer.

Possible Nicknames

A possible nickname for Avah can be VaVa or Ay.

Related Names

Avah can also be spelt Ava, Aiva and Ayva.

Stories Featuring This Name

Ava Benton is a character in the soap opera “All My Children.” Ava Lord is a character in the “Sin City” graphic novels. Ava Moore is a character in the television show “Nip/Tuck.

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