About Beth
Go back to names listBeth is a sharp and upbeat name, most likely due to its punchy, one syllable nature. This would be a great alternative to the more common Elizabeth.
Detailed Meaning
The name Beth is of Hebrew origin meaning ‘house’. It is also a shortened form of Elizabeth.
Famous People With This Name
Beth Ditto is an American musician and lead singer of the band, Gossip. Beth Behrs is an American actress best known for her role in the sitcom “2 Broke Girls.” Beth Levin is a famous American pianist.
Possible Nicknames
Possible nicknames for Beth include Bethy or Bethie.
Related Names
Beth can also be spelt Bethe. It is also related to Bethany and Elizabeth.
Stories Featuring This Name
Elizabeth “Beth” Childs is a character on the television show, “Orphan Black,” Beth Bailey is a character on “Spooks,” and Beth Clement is a character on the soap opera, “Hollyoaks.”
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