About Iyla
Go back to names listIyla is a mysterious name as no one can really pinpoint its origins or provide a definitive meaning – this name is perfect for parents who want to keep people guessing.
Detailed Meaning
Iyla is difficult to find the exact language origin and meaning of. It is thought that Iyla originates from India and means ‘moonlight.’ It could also be considered as a variant of the Persian name Lyla.
Famous People With This Name
As this is a rare name, there are not very many people who are famous who also have this name.
Possible Nicknames
This is a name that is difficult to create nicknames for, it being so short already. Perhaps the first part of the name, Iy, would make a cute nickname, or using the second part of the name to make LaLa.
Related Names
Related names include Isla and Iylah. While they all sound the same, these two names refer to the island of Islay in Scotland, and therefore does not have the same meaning. It is also related to the Persian name Lyla.
Stories Featuring This Name
As it is unknown exactly what this name means and because it is a fairly rare name, we cannot track down any stories that feature this name, unfortunately.
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