

Meaning:to laugh


Pronunciation:eye zak

Variations:Isaac, Izaak, Isaak, Isack

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About Isaac

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Isaac is modern baby boys name that would be ideal for those parents looking for a strong name with a great meaning.

Detailed Meaning

Isaac is a biblical name borne by the son of Abraham, who was close to being sacrificed by his father until God changed his mind. Instead, a ram was sacrificed, as Abraham had proven his devotion. Isaac married Rebecca and bore children Esau and Jacob.

Famous People With This Name

Isaac Edward Slade is a American musician and lead singer for the band, “The Fray.” Isaac Newton was an English famous mathematician and physicist. Isaac Hanson is one third of the band Hanson, known for their hit song “MMM Bop.”

Possible Nicknames

Some possible nicknames for Isaac are Ike, Ikey, Ikie, Zack and Zak.

Related Names

Noah can also be spelt Isaac, Isaak, Isack and Izaak.

Stories Featuring This Name

Isaac Davis is the name of Woody Allen’s character in his film, “Manhattan.” Isaac Mendez is a character on the television show, “Heroes.” Isaac Lahey was a werewolf on the television show, “Teen Wolf.”

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