A Rose By Any Other Name

Rose has been a popular name throughout the years, most likely because it conjures up feelings of romance and beauty. It is currently number 62 in the babynames.co.uk database, and the name is taken directly from the name of flower. Probably because of the general elegance of the name, it has become the moniker for many celebrities and famous characters on screen. Below, you’ll find a bunch (sorry) of particularly memorable Roses.

Rose DeWitt Bukater, from Titanic

Perhaps the title for most famous (and tragic) fictional Rose goes to Rose DeWitt Bukater, from Titanic. Played by Kate Winslet in the role that made her a household name, Rose made everyone who watched the film reach for the tissue box. Her ill-fated romance with Jack aboard the sinking ship is a love story for the ages.

Rose Tyler, from Doctor Who

As one of the most beloved Doctor Who companions, Rose Tyler (played by Billie Piper) accompanied the Ninth (Christopher Eccleston) and Tenth (David Tennant) Doctors through time and space.  Rose is especially memorable as she was the first companion in the revival of the iconic show in 2005, and many of the show’s fans love Rose for her heroism and relatability.

Rose Leslie, actress from Game of Thrones  

Best known for playing Ygritte on Game of Thrones, Rose Leslie is a Scottish actress who has also had starring roles on Downton Abbey and Luther. Rose Leslie is fluent in French, is an avid runner and enjoys rock climbing, cooking, skiing, archery and tennis.

Rose Byrne, Hollywood actress

Australian actress Rose Byrne was actually born Mary Rose Byrne, but goes by her middle name professionally. She has had a varied acting career since she was 15-years-old and has starred in many films, from drama to comedy. Some highlights from her filmography include 28 Weeks Later, Bridesmaids, and Spy.

Rose McGowan, actress from Charmed

Rose McGowan is most famous for being one of the three witch sisters from the television series, Charmed. She is an American actress and model who has graced numerous magazine covers and movie screens since the 1990s, and was the lead in Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriquez’s critically acclaimed double-feature, Grindhouse.