

Meaning:god has given


Pronunciation:jon er then

Variations:Johnathan, Jonathon, Jonothon

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About Jonathan

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Jonathan is a great traditional name that would be an ideal choice for parents looking for something that will always be a classic.

Detailed Meaning

Jonathan is an English first name meaning ‘God has given’. It is often confused with John, and while the two names hold the same meaning, they are indeed separate entities. Jonathan is a Biblical name borne by King Saul’s son amongst others. The name is very popular in Western culture.

Famous People With This Name

Jonathan Rhys Meyers is an Irish actor best known for his roles in the television series, “The Tudors.” Jonathan Ross is an English television presenter with his own talk show. Jonathan Franzen is an American author best known for his novel, “The Corrections.”

Possible Nicknames

John, Jon, Johnny, Jonny and Jonni are popular nicknames for the name Jonathan.

Related Names

Jonathan can also be spelt Johnathan, Jonathon and Jonothon.

Stories Featuring This Name

Jonathan Kent is the adoptive father of Superman in the DC comics. Jonathan Storm is also known as The Human Torch in “The Fantastic Four.” Jonathan Levinson is a character in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”

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