About Jake
Go back to names listJake is one of those one-syllable names that sound so fresh and modern, but it actually has quite a traditional origin. It is a very cool name, perfect for a very cool baby boy.
Detailed Meaning
Jake is a variant of the name Jack but also a name in its own right. The name returned to fashion in the 1990s and may be used as a short form for Jacob.
Famous People With This Name
Jake Gyllenhaal is an American actor famous for his roles in “Donnie Darko” and “Zodiac.” Jake Arnott is a British novelist and his works includes “The Long Firm” and “He Kills Coppers.” Jake Humphrey is an English sports television presenter, known for presenting Formula 1. Jake Hall is a reality TV star known from the reality television show “The Only Way Is Essex.”
Possible Nicknames
Some possible nicknames are Jakie and Jakey.
Related Names
Some alternative spellings of Jake could be Jaike and Jayk.
Stories Featuring This Name
Jake Dean is a fictional character from the British soap opera, “Hollyoaks.” Jake Blues is the main character in the film “The Blues Brothers.” Jake Harper is one of the main characters on American sitcom, “Two and a Half Men.” Jake the Dog is one of the protagonists of the animated series, “Adventure Time.”
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Name | Gender | Rank | Meaning | ||
Name | Gender | Rank | Meaning | ||
Jack | Boy | 5 | god is gracious | Facts | |
Jacob | Boy | 11 | supplanter | Facts | |
Joshua | Boy | 17 | god is salvation | Facts | |
James | Boy | 21 | supplanter | Facts | |
Jessica | Girl | 25 | Gift | Facts | |
Joseph | Boy | 27 | god shall add another son | Facts | |
Jaxon | Boy | 46 | jacks son | Facts | |
Jude | Boy | 56 | praise | Facts | |
Jake | Boy | 67 | Supplanter | Facts | |
Jenson | Boy | 70 | son of jan | Facts |