Banned Baby Names

Did you know that some names can actually be banned? Some are banned for good reason, but below we have a few that had us scratching our heads as to why they are taboo. Check out our list below and see if you agree with the rules.


First up is Tom, (surprising, right?). Considering it is a very common and popular nam in the UK, it is interesting that it is a banned nam in Portugal. Apparently, Tom is considered a nickname, and legally can’t be put on birth certificates…so there are no Toms in Portugal!


Again, Elaine is a popular and common name in the West, but it was banned in Saudi Arabia after they released a list of banned names in 2014. These included Western names and names that have royal connotations, like Prince or Princess.


Now this is not so surprising. After someone wanted to call their baby after the social networking site, Mexico took action and banned it, deeming the name “derogatory, pejorative, discriminatory or lacking in meaning.” We agree – this is a terrible name for your baby!


Mexico is very strict about their baby naming! Traffic is another name you should stay clear of if you’re a parent in Mexico. We understand though – the M25 is a  beautiful phenomenon, but it wouldn’t make the best baby name.

Chow Tow

Chow Tow roughly translates to ‘smelly head’ in Chinese, so the Malaysian government made the correct decision to ban this name.

These are only a handful of names that have been banned over recent years and we advise that you are aware of the laws in your country before naming your child! If not, you could be in for a big surprise and lots of disappointment…