Five Interesting Facts About the Name Amelia

Facts About Amelia

1) Amelia has been the most popular girl name for the last four years in England and Wales

2) One theory to explain why Amelia jumped up in popularity could be because of “Doctor Who.” In 2012, we saw the last of Amelia Pond (played by Karen Gillan), the Eleventh Doctor’s companion, when she left the show

3) Amelia made a leap from 2,976 baby Amelias in 2005, to 5,158 in 2015

4) says that old-fashioned names such as Amelia are making a comback because they are free of associations from a previous generation: “The comeback [of old-fashioned names] is partly due to people’s associations with the names. Names that were popular in our parents’ generation are still associated heavily with them. This means that we find it hard to imagine a child with those names. But older names are freed from this link and therefore feel more suitable.”

5) Amelia was the name of the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, but was also the name of a notorious 19th century serial killer (yikes!)