About Aaban
Go back to names listThis is a fairly culturally-orientated name and is most likely not used outside of Arabic families. Even within Arabic speaking countries, it is not a very common name. However, if you’re looking for a unique name, Aaban certainly fits the bill.
Detailed Meaning
Aaban is a name that is not very commonly found outside of Arabic speaking cultures. Its meaning is debated, although one theory is that it means ‘name of the angel.’
Famous People With This Name
As this is a rare name, there are not very many people who are famous who also have this name. However, there was an Aban ibn Taghlib, who was a famous Shia Muslim scholar from the 8th century.
Possible Nicknames
Aaban could be shortened to Ban, although this could be slightly awkward as it could be confused with the English word of the same name. Perhaps Banny would work better as it would sound very strange to shorten it to just Aa.
Related Names
One related Quranic/Arabic name is Aban, although it has a different meaning to Aaban. It means “clear,” “lucid,” or “eloquent.” Other related names include Aabad, meaning “time” or Aabdar, meaning “bright, like glass.”
Stories Featuring This Name
As it is unknown exactly what this name means and because it is a fairly rare name, we cannot track down any stories that feature this name, unfortunately.
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