

Meaning:first ray of sun


Pronunciation:ah roosh

Variations:-Coming Soon-

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About Aarush

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Aarush is predominantly a name found in India but has managed to find its way into English speaking countries. As a name choice, though, it has great connotations of light, brightness and warmth.

Detailed Meaning

Aarush is an Indian boy’s name of Sanskrit origin. It is derived from the Hindi word which means “first ray of the sun.”

Famous People With This Name

From our research, it does not appear that there are any famous figures or celebrities with the name Aarush.

Possible Nicknames

The nickname “Rush” could be an option, or perhaps “Rushy” or “Rushie” for something a bit more cutesy and affectionate. “Ru”or even “Ush” could be used as well.

Related Names

Obvious related names include Arush, Aroosh and Aaroosh, all of which are just different spellings of the same name.

Stories Featuring This Name

Arush Mehra is the protagonist of the 2007 Hindi romantic comedy film “Heyy Babyy,” which is based on the American movie “Three Men and a Baby,” which in turn is based off of the French film “Three Men and a Cradle.”

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