

Meaning:All bright


Pronunciation:ELL lug

Variations:-Coming Soon-

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About Ella

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Ella is a great choice for parents looking for a sweet sounding name for their baby girl.

Detailed Meaning

The name Ella was introduced to Britain by the Normans. It derives from a word meaning ‘all’ or ‘inclusive’ but is also a form of Helen, which means ‘bright.’

Famous People With This Name

Ella Henderson is a British singer, who rose to fame after winning “The X Factor.” Ella Fitzgerald was a American jazz singer, known to many as the ‘Queen of Jazz.’ Ella Yelich-O’Connor, more commonly known by her stage name, Lorde, is a musician from New Zealand.

Possible Nicknames

Ella is a fairly short name by itself but you potentially shorter the name to El or La-La.

Related Names

Some alternative spellings of Ella include Ellah or Ela.

Stories Featuring This Name

Ella is the protagonist of the popular children’s book, “Ella Enchanted,” written by Gail Levine. “Ella the Elephant” is an animated series for children.

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