

Meaning:Firm; long-lived


Pronunciation:EE than

Variations:Ethen, Ethun, Eitan, Etan

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About Ethan

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Ethan is a great modern boy’s name that really rolls off the tongue. It’s short syllables means it is punchy and fresh and would be a great choice for any baby boy.

Detailed Meaning

The name Ethan is seen in the Bible. It was popular in the US in the 18th century following the fame of Ethan Allen, leader of a Vermont patriot group in the American Revolution.

Famous People With This Name

Ethan Hawke is an American actor best known for his roles in the film “Gattaca” and “Training Day.” Ethan Coen is one half of the filmmaking duo, the Coen Brothers. Ethan Allen was an American major league baseball player.

Possible Nicknames

A possible nickname for Ethan is Eth.

Related Names

Alternative spellings include: Ethen, Ethun, Eitan and Etan.

Stories Featuring This Name

Ethan Hunt is the main protagonist from the “Mission Impossible” series of films. Ethan Rayne is a fictional character from the television show, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” Ethan Rom is a character from the television series “Lost.”

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