



Pronunciation:je mye mah

Variations:Jemima, Gemima

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About Jemimah

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Jemimah (and its more common spelling, Jemima) is a very traditional name that is perfect for any parent looking for a name full of rich history. However, it can be made to sound quite fresh and modern with its many nick name options.

Detailed Meaning

Jemimah is a spelling variation of Jemima, a feminine name of Hebrew origin which is thought to mean ‘handsome.’ It is found in the Old Testament as the name of one of Job’s daughters. Its peak of popularity was in the 19th century, but it is still found today.

Famous People With This Name

Jemima Goldsmith is a British journalist and campaigner who edits “New Statesmen” and “Vanity Fair.” Jemima Kirke is a British actress known for her role on the television show, “Girls.” Jemima Blackburn was a 19th century Scottish painter.

Possible Nicknames

Possible nicknames for Jemimah include Jem, Jemmy/Jemmi, Jemma, JemJem or even Mima.

Related Names

Jemimah can also be spelt Jemima and Gemima.

Stories Featuring This Name

Jemima is one of the cat characters on the musical, “Cats.” Jemima Potts is a character in “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.” Jemima is the main character in the children’s book “The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck” by Beatrix Potter.

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