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About Joy

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Joy to the world! What could be a better Christmas name than Joy itself? If you’re looking for a name that will reflect your baby girl’s happy nature, then Joy is the perfect choice.

Detailed Meaning

The name Joy comes from the vocabulary word meaning ‘extreme happiness’. It may also be considered a pet form of ‘Joyce’.

Famous People With This Name

Joy Mangano is an American businesswoman and the inventor of the “Miracle Mop,” Joy Davidman was an American writer and wife of C.S. Lewis, and Joy Williams is a singer who is one half of the band, The Civil Wars.

Possible Nicknames

Joy is one of the unfortunate names that have no nickname options as it is so incredibly short already!

Related Names

As mentioned above, Joy is sometimes considered a pet form of the girls name, Joyce. Other than that, because it is an English vocabulary name, there aren’t really any variations of it.

Stories Featuring This Name

Joy Turner is a fictional character on the US television show, “My Name is Earl,” while Nurse Joy is a prominent character in the Pokémon series. Joy is also the main character in the animated film, “Inside Out,” and also in the book and movie version of “Room.”

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