The 100 Most Popular Baby Boy Names

Oliver most popular baby boy names

1. Oliver (no change in ranking)

Oliver has been the most popular baby boy name for a few years and remains the top choice for parents in the UK.

Find out more about the name and its meaning here.

Harry most popular baby boy names

2. Harry (no change in ranking)

The top three boys names in the UK have kept their position, so Harry, meaning ‘home ruler’, remains the second most popular baby boy name in the UK.

Find out more about the name and its meaning here.

George most popular baby boy names

3. George (no change in ranking)

The name George is of Greek origin but
St George is also the patron saint of England – so if you’re looking for a classic English name it’s a strong choice.

Popular for decades, it’s a timeless choice.

Find out more about the name and its meaning here.

Noah most popular baby boy names

4. Noah Up 2

Noah is a lovely biblical name that is becoming increasingly popular here in the UK, moving up two spots in the ONS ranking this year.

Find out more about the name and its meaning here.

Jack most popular baby boy names

5. Jack Down 1

Jack has always been a very popular name but it has moved down the rankings a few places in the last few years, coming outside of the top three and then dropping another place this year.

Find out more about the name and its meaning here.

Jacob most popular baby boy names

6. Jacob Down 1

Another name to drop a place, Jacob is a Hebrew name with a rich history.

If you’re looking for a strong, biblical name it offers a great choice.

Find out more about the name and its meaning here.

Leo most popular baby boy names

7. Leo Up 6

Leo (meaning Lion) is a name that is really growing in popularity in the UK, entering the top 10 this year by jumping up six positions.

Find out more about the name and its meaning here.

Oscar most popular baby boy names

8. Oscar Up 2

Oscar is a name you’ll be hearing more and more around the playground.

Meaning ‘divine spear’, it’s perfect for little boys with strong characters!

Find out more about the name and its meaning here.

Charlie most popular baby boy names

9. Charlie Down 2

Much more popular than the more formal Charles, Charlie remains a popular unisex name – although it did drop down a couple of spots this year.

Find out more about the name and its meaning here.

10. Muhammad Down 2

The last name in our top 10, Muhammad is the most popular Muslim name for boys.

There are a number of spellings and this remains the most common.

Find out more about the name and its meaning here.

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