

Meaning:God's follower


Pronunciation:a bid

Variations:-Coming Soon-

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About Abid

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Abid is another religious name that is a good choice for particularly devout parents who want their child to be a follower of God or one who worships deeply.

Detailed Meaning

Abid is a Arabic name for boys which means “God’s follower.” It can also be an Arabic surname as well. The feminine version of the name is Abida. In addition, Abid is also a given name in Russia, although it is old and rarely used.

Famous People With This Name

Abid Nabi is an Indian cricketer, Abid Hassan Minto is a Pakistani lawyer, Abid Hussain is a late 20th-century Indian economist and diplomat, and Abid Raja is a Pakistani-Norwegian politician.

Possible Nicknames

Nicknames are rather difficult to come up with when a name is so short, although parents can consider “Abe” or perhaps “Abby.”

Related Names

One related name is Abed. Both names can be used for both given names and surnames. Abida is the female version of the name, and Avidka is the Russian version of the name.

Stories Featuring This Name

Abed Gubi Nadir is a character on the American television show, “Community.” He is played by Danny Pudi. The character is an Arab/Polish-American who takes film directing classes at Greendale Community College.

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