

Meaning:father of peace


Pronunciation:ab sa lom

Variations:-Coming Soon-

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About Absalom

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This name isn’t very popular, but for good reason. The Biblical story of Absalom is rather sad, and parents might want to reconsider this name because of its relationship with grief.

Detailed Meaning

Absalom is a Biblical name borne by the third son of King David, meaning “father of peace.” This son betrayed his father, and while fleeing, got his hair tangled in an oak tree and was killed. It is also a fairly rare English surname.

Famous People With This Name

Because this name is rather rare, there are not very many contemporary famous figures who have this name. Absalom Tatom was an 18th century American politician, Absalom Watkin was a 19th century English political reformer and Absalom Shade Allan was a Canadian merchant and politician.

Possible Nicknames

Absalom can be shortened to “Abe,” although that is already an established name. The name itself can sometimes be used as a nickname for men with long and thick hair, in connection to the Biblical story.

Related Names

Variations of the name Absalom include: Absalom, Absolon, Avessalom, Avesalom, Absalon and Absolom.

Stories Featuring This Name

Aside from the rather sad tale of Absalom in the bible, the name is also featured in “Absalom, Absalom!” the 1936 William Faulkner novel. Absalom is also a character in a Marvel Comic, and the Japanese manga and anime series, “One Piece.”

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